Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Adventure

I am starting a new adventure in September, and it is so very exciting that I thought it deserves a blog.  And so it begins...Mrs. Schenk's JK Adventures!

Why is it such an "Adventure?"  Well, it is the first time I am teaching JK in a formal school setting.  That being said, I taught (home-schooled) all four of my kids for preschool, JK and SK..(that's 11 years of great fun).  It was AMAZING to have the opportunity to teach them all to read and give them a strong foundation and head start to build on.  I can't wait to do the same thing for my new students!

My hubby is a principal, so we have moved a few times over the years.  All that moving gave me an opportunity to be a part of several different schools, and make some amazing connections and friends along the way.  Every school has it's own uniqueness, and we have loved every one of them!

Back to the adventure.....I have taught almost every grade of elementary school.  When I graduated from university, my first class was 2nd grade, then I taught SK, then 3rd, then a 6th-8th grade class (that was a tad insane and out of my comfort zone), then a 1st&2nd grade class, and this past year I was an EA in an SK class with Mrs. Anita Bremer...LOVED IT!!  She is an awesome teacher and has an amazing blog.  ( inspiration to me!)

I honestly can't believe the wealth of information available to teachers on the intenet.  (It certainly wasn't that way when I started teaching so many years ago.)  The list of amazing teaching blogs in my "favourite bookmarks" list is rather lengthy.  I have been blessed by many of them, so I thought that when I have some time I would try to bless others by sharing some of the things I have done for my own JK class.

I've been spending sooooooooo much time preparing for this new is great fun!  I've made a bunch of things that I have found on pinterest and on several kindergarten blogs that I have happened upon.

So here it first share!  It's a self-portrait page to do on the first day of school.  I'm not sure how many of my JK children will be able to write their names, but it will be a great keepsake and a nice opportunity for me to see where they are at.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out Kim! I am your first follower :) Have fun getting ready for JK!
    Mrs. Bremer’s Kindergarten
