Monday, August 6, 2012

Techno-Kid to the Rescue

I called upon my wonderful eldest daughter this afternoon, to do some computer work for me while I saw to the house-cleaning that I have so seriously neglected.  I gave her a template to start with, we decided what we didn't like about it, she removed several things, added the capital letter alphabet, changed some graphics, and then I added the tracing letters.  They will be printed & laminated, and then the children will be able to trace their names on them with dry-erase markers.  I think they're rather cute AND very functional.

The other thing I worked on this afternoon was to make labels for our "Classroom Helpers" Bulletin Board.  I bought this cute set from Scholar's Choice. 

This evening I decided to make my own number/number-dots game for the numbers 1-10.  All you need is some string and a few clothes pins and you can do the laundry with your class. 

I found a nice t-shirt template with 6 different coloured t-shirts, 
and I added my own numbers and dots. 
A big thanks goes to Amber for her patience today!  (It's amazing what you can learn from your kids if you're willing.)  She taught me a lot of great tricks in the paint program. I'm hoping to use these cute shirts in a "number" of different ways.

(On the down side, I now have another item to print, laminate, & cut out...)

(When I uploaded this file to Google Drive, I think it changed the size of the shirts, but you can always edit them and make them whatever size you want!)

My to-do list is getting shorter!!!! Yipee!!!!  That's a very wonderful thing, because I want to enjoy our anniversary without having a dark cloud of unfinished tasks hanging over my head.  

Now I think it's time to go watch some Olympics......I'm almost over that nasty football loss to the Americans...well, almost... 

1 comment:

  1. Good job ladies! You should have an amazing year with the JK's:)
